Imadeddine Raef, Co-author - to download the document click here
In 2004, the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU) developed a five-year plan,
which focused on the “bread-and-butter” issues of education and labour. Even though
Law 220/2000 on the rights of people with disabilities remained largely unimplemented,
the LPHU built its plan on a solid foundation of scientific research and field surveys, more
particularly in the poorest and highly marginalized Lebanese regions. Capitalizing on these
studies, LPHU designed a series of programmes with people with disabilities, who account
for more than ten percent of the population, their families, the private sector, technical
institutes, universities and civil society groups for the Bekaa governorate. This effectively
opened communication channels between persons with disabilities and society to promote
their economic and social inclusion.
The groundwork
Between 2005 and 2008, projects such as “Unlocking Potential Job Opportunities for Persons
with Disabilities”, opening the employment office in Central Bekaa, the “Social and Economic
Inclusion,” and “Youth and the Labour Market” constituted a unique phenomenon and a driving
force to bridge the wide chasm separating two social categories that were, until then, “alien
to each other”.
At the social level, foundations were laid down for the establishment of the body composed
of experts, advisors, representatives of private sector companies and the chambers of
commerce, industry and agriculture that supports diversity in the workplace. The concept
of “diversity in the workplace” was introduced and disseminated to members of the media,
advocating decent work for all. In support thereof, the LPHU Information Unit released the
Diversity at the Workplace Guide distributed daily along with the widely circulated Al Nahar.
The Economic and Social Inclusion Project
With its economic and social inclusion project for persons with disabilities, LPHU takes
advanced steps to emulate this unique experience in Lebanon and the Middle East. Its
efforts are not solely confined to rehabilitating and preparing people of all types of disabilities
to join the labour market, it encompasses sensitising and advising employers and making the
workplace physically accessible to all.
Launched in cooperation with Christian Aid - UK, the project
• was designed to introduce sustainable improvements to the means of economic inclusion
of persons with disabilities
• to facilitate the access of people with disabilities to the labour market
• cooperates with the private sector, persons with disabilities and their families, the local
community, technical institutes, universities, civil society organizations, and public
institutions at the local and national levels
• encourages concerned stakeholders from the public sector it collaborates with --
municipalities, mayors, ministries, the National Employment Office, the chambers of
commerce, industry and agriculture -- to embrace diversity in the workplace;
it also sets the example for private institutions and companies to make use of the potential
of persons with disabilities.
In addition, the project intends to deepen the knowledge of private institutions on vocational
training for people with disabilities through the following activities:
o networking and introducing the project to these companies,
o conducting in-house employee-oriented awareness-raising seminars and
o training sessions for employees and managers to promote the concept of diversity in the
workplace, altering old notions on the potentials of persons with disabilities.
• conducts vocational training sessions on multiple specializations/disciplines including
illiteracy, computer and the English language
• the project provides them with vocational guidance and counselling oriented to market
needs to groom them for inclusion and give them in-house training, according to his own
• secures job opportunities for this segment of society,
• ensures post-employment follow-up and interaction with families;
• it offers advice on setting up small ventures in cooperation with concerned parties.
Recruitment and Contribution
The project adopts one of the most advanced hiring mechanisms. Recruitment offices receive
and thoroughly assess job applications from people with disabilities and a specialized team
searches for the available employment opportunities in the labour market. The workplace
is then examined; the job opportunity described in details then matched with received job
applications. After a successful match and hiring, the team follows up on the conditions of
the employed people with disabilities, suggests adaptive changes as needed. The project
engages organizations, companies and individuals and allows them to join the diversitysupportive body, host in-house training sessions and awareness-raising seminars, provide
training and job opportunities for people with disabilities, secure funding, offer consultancy
services and participate in one of LPHU programs or project sections...
In 2004, the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU) developed a five-year plan,
which focused on the “bread-and-butter” issues of education and labour. Even though
Law 220/2000 on the rights of people with disabilities remained largely unimplemented,
the LPHU built its plan on a solid foundation of scientific research and field surveys, more
particularly in the poorest and highly marginalized Lebanese regions. Capitalizing on these
studies, LPHU designed a series of programmes with people with disabilities, who account
for more than ten percent of the population, their families, the private sector, technical
institutes, universities and civil society groups for the Bekaa governorate. This effectively
opened communication channels between persons with disabilities and society to promote
their economic and social inclusion.
The groundwork
Between 2005 and 2008, projects such as “Unlocking Potential Job Opportunities for Persons
with Disabilities”, opening the employment office in Central Bekaa, the “Social and Economic
Inclusion,” and “Youth and the Labour Market” constituted a unique phenomenon and a driving
force to bridge the wide chasm separating two social categories that were, until then, “alien
to each other”.
At the social level, foundations were laid down for the establishment of the body composed
of experts, advisors, representatives of private sector companies and the chambers of
commerce, industry and agriculture that supports diversity in the workplace. The concept
of “diversity in the workplace” was introduced and disseminated to members of the media,
advocating decent work for all. In support thereof, the LPHU Information Unit released the
Diversity at the Workplace Guide distributed daily along with the widely circulated Al Nahar.
The Economic and Social Inclusion Project
With its economic and social inclusion project for persons with disabilities, LPHU takes
advanced steps to emulate this unique experience in Lebanon and the Middle East. Its
efforts are not solely confined to rehabilitating and preparing people of all types of disabilities
to join the labour market, it encompasses sensitising and advising employers and making the
workplace physically accessible to all.
Launched in cooperation with Christian Aid - UK, the project
• was designed to introduce sustainable improvements to the means of economic inclusion
of persons with disabilities
• to facilitate the access of people with disabilities to the labour market
• cooperates with the private sector, persons with disabilities and their families, the local
community, technical institutes, universities, civil society organizations, and public
institutions at the local and national levels
• encourages concerned stakeholders from the public sector it collaborates with --
municipalities, mayors, ministries, the National Employment Office, the chambers of
commerce, industry and agriculture -- to embrace diversity in the workplace;
it also sets the example for private institutions and companies to make use of the potential
of persons with disabilities.
In addition, the project intends to deepen the knowledge of private institutions on vocational
training for people with disabilities through the following activities:
o networking and introducing the project to these companies,
o conducting in-house employee-oriented awareness-raising seminars and
o training sessions for employees and managers to promote the concept of diversity in the
workplace, altering old notions on the potentials of persons with disabilities.
• conducts vocational training sessions on multiple specializations/disciplines including
illiteracy, computer and the English language
• the project provides them with vocational guidance and counselling oriented to market
needs to groom them for inclusion and give them in-house training, according to his own
• secures job opportunities for this segment of society,
• ensures post-employment follow-up and interaction with families;
• it offers advice on setting up small ventures in cooperation with concerned parties.
Recruitment and Contribution
The project adopts one of the most advanced hiring mechanisms. Recruitment offices receive
and thoroughly assess job applications from people with disabilities and a specialized team
searches for the available employment opportunities in the labour market. The workplace
is then examined; the job opportunity described in details then matched with received job
applications. After a successful match and hiring, the team follows up on the conditions of
the employed people with disabilities, suggests adaptive changes as needed. The project
engages organizations, companies and individuals and allows them to join the diversitysupportive body, host in-house training sessions and awareness-raising seminars, provide
training and job opportunities for people with disabilities, secure funding, offer consultancy
services and participate in one of LPHU programs or project sections...
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